Araucaria hunsteinii Information
The tallest of the Araucaria, trunk to 90 m tall and 3 m diameter. The colour of the bark on branches is a dark red, with the older bark on the trunk becoming brown with deep fissures. Leaves; in swirls, lanceolate, 6-15 cm. long by 1-2 cm. wide, needle-like, flattened, attenuate, with linear venation, clustered near ends of branchlets. Cones ovoid-oblong, 15-20 cm. long. Seeds triangular; nut to 4 cm long , relatively narrow and similar but much larger than seeds of the Eutacta section of Araucaria from New Caledonia; seed wings broad to 4 cm wide on each side (total width to ca. 8 cm). Seeds are dispersed from the cones whilst on the tree, and seeds fly a considerable distance from the parent tree.
General Information:
This species is quite unique with only one extant species of this Intermedia section of Araucaria. It shares some visual characteristics with A. bidwillii, Sect. Bunya. But differs in having Sect. Eutacta type, though greatly larger sized, winged seeds.
Native to, Papua New Guinea