Aloe microstigma

Family: Xanthorrhoeaceae   

Common Name: Cape Speckled Aloe

Cold Hardiness Zone: 9a     View the UK and US zone maps

Aloe microstigma Information

Plants are usually solitary but they occasionally form clumps. Stems are short but can be up to 500mm in length in older specimens. Leaves are 300mm long and 60mm wide at the base. Leaves are reddish-green in colour, during dry spells the leaves are a reddish colour. Leaf surfaces are marked with many small white speckles. Leaf surfaces are smooth, leaf margins are armed with sharp reddish-brown triangular teeth. Inflorescence is simple with one raceme, up to three inflorescences are borne from the rosette simultaneously. Recemes re bicoloured, the dull red buds turn yellow when the flowers open. Flowers are tubular in shape and slightly swollen in the middle.

General Information:
When grown in a sheltered area and kept out of cold winds Aloe microstigma does well in cultivation.


Native to, South Africa

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