Pritchardia lowreyana

Family: Arecaceae    Palm Tree

Common Name: None known

Scientific Synonymy:
Pritchardia macrocarpa, Pritchardia brevicalyx, Pritchardia lowreyana var. turbinata, Pritchardia donata

Cold Hardiness Zone: 10a     View the UK and US zone maps

Pritchardia lowreyana Information

This species was thought to have become extinct in the wild, with only a few specimens in gardens in Honolulu. Pritchardia lowreyana has now been rediscovered on the island of Oahu, clinging tenaciously at 515 m elevation to a very steep, north-facing slope about 175 m below the summit of Puu Ohulehule, the pyramid-shaped peak on the ridge running to the east from the main Koolau range and separating Waikane and Kahana Valleys. Beccari and Rock to this species (erroneously referred to as P. macrocarpa) that once grew in the Koolau Mountains behind Honolulu, with green abaxial blade surfaces. A rather striking contrast to the silvery grayish-white abaxial blade surfaces covered with lepidia of all previously known Pritchardia in the Koolau range (P. kahukuensis, P. bakeri and P. martii).

General Information:
Found in the Hawaiian Is. One of few species to be found on more than one island (E. Molokai, Oahu).


Native to, USA

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